divendres, 14 de novembre del 2014

Trobada internacional de suport als maoistes de l'Índia

Delegats de Brasil, Turquia, Alemanya, Galícia, França, Austria, Itàlia, Països Baixos i comunicats de Canadà, Afganistan, Sri Lanka i Grècia van fer de la trobada eminentment internacional. Per celebrar el desè aniversari de la fundació del CPI(Maoist), el Partit Comunista de l'Índia(maoista) es va celebrar una trobada de dos dies a Itàlia on van intervenir les següents organitzacions:

International Committee to Support People’s War in India
League Against Imperialist Aggression (BGIA, Hamburg, Germany)
Revolutionary Front to Defend People’s Right (Brazil)
Communist Party of Turkey / Marxist-Leninist (TKP/ML)
Bloc Rouge (Unifications des Maoistes) (France)
Committee of Construction of Maoist Communist Party of Galicia
Committee of Support to the People’s War in India, Galicia
Revolutionary Construction, Austria Revolutionary
Proletarian Feminist Movement (MFPR, Italy)
Maoists from Tunisia
Maoist Communist Party – Italy (PCm-Italia)
Mass Line (Netherlands)

També es van llegir els missatges de:
Communist (Maoist) Party of Afghanistan
Communist Party of Greece (Marxist-Leninist)
Democracy and Class Struggle, Wales
Irish Republican Socialist Party
Long March Toward Communism (Madrid, Spain)
Network of Communist Blogs (Spanish language)
Organization of Workers of Afghanistan (M-L-M, principally Maoist)
Revolutionary Communist Party, Canada
Voie Proletarienne (Marxist-Leninist Communist Organization – Proletarian Way, France)
Yr Aflonyddwch Mawr (Wales)

Una de les ressolucions de la trobada fou mostrar el suport al pres polític Abimael Guzmán 'Presidente Gonzalo'.

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