dimecres, 27 d’agost del 2014

Els 5 partits maoistes nepalís formen una aliança de treball

Els dos principals partits maoistes del Nepal van publicar un comunicat conjunt el març de 2014 on apostaven per treballar de forma més compacta. Ara s'ha donat un pas més, el 15 de juny van realitzar una trobada a Buddhanagar on van acordar forjar una aliança nepalí. Hi formen part l'United Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist), el Communist Party of Nepal-Maoist, Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist), Revolutionary Communist Party Nepal i el Communist Party of Nepal (Unified). El primer té representació parlamentària amb 80 escons i va aconseguir 1.600.000 vots a les eleccions de 2013. 

El següent pas serà consensuar un document conjunt sobre la nova constitució i posar les bases cap a la unificació en un sol partit maoista de Nepal.


Statements of leaders of the two Maoist parties — Unified CPN Maoist Chairman Pushpa Kamal Dahal threatening to walk out of the CA; and Vice-chair of CPN-Maoist C P Gajurel’s statement that the intention of the alliance was to take UCPN-M out of the CA — indicates that the alliance will create pressure on the NC and UML for a progressive constitution. - See more at: http://www.thehimalayantimes.com/fullNews.php?headline=Five+Maoist+parties+form+working+alliance&NewsID=419656#sthash.u7MIhyzq.dpuf
Statements of leaders of the two Maoist parties — Unified CPN Maoist Chairman Pushpa Kamal Dahal threatening to walk out of the CA; and Vice-chair of CPN-Maoist C P Gajurel’s statement that the intention of the alliance was to take UCPN-M out of the CA — indicates that the alliance will create pressure on the NC and UML for a progressive constitution. - See more at: http://www.thehimalayantimes.com/fullNews.php?headline=Five+Maoist+parties+form+working+alliance&NewsID=419656#sthash.u7MIhyzq.dpuf
Statements of leaders of the two Maoist parties — Unified CPN Maoist Chairman Pushpa Kamal Dahal threatening to walk out of the CA; and Vice-chair of CPN-Maoist C P Gajurel’s statement that the intention of the alliance was to take UCPN-M out of the CA — indicates that the alliance will create pressure on the NC and UML for a progressive constitution. - See more at: http://www.thehimalayantimes.com/fullNews.php?headline=Five+Maoist+parties+form+working+alliance&NewsID=419656#sthash.u7MIhyzq.dpuf

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